Monday, 17 November 2014

One Simple Secret for Getting Your First 100 Trial Customers.


So you’ve got your startup company’s website up-and-running. You are finalizing the details of your products and services, and you’re even getting pretty good traffic to your website through your online marketing, SEO and advertising efforts. What’s the problem? Signups on your site are still incredibly difficult to come by. Visitors are leaving, never to return, into the endless abyss of the internet. Never fear, my friend, there’s an easy way to get your visitors back and begin increasing your trial user count. Using this simple method, you’ll be able to get your first 100 trial users in no time!

A retargeting campaign is the best solution for adding new customers. Retargeting is a sort of automatic guestbook for your website. When a new visitor shows up, a tiny pixel loads on their browser, and later it helps by giving you an idea of what they’ve been up to while on your site.
This is great news for you for a couple of reasons. First, you’ll be able to find out pretty quickly which parts of your site are dead ends for visitors. Correcting those areas will create a smoother experience, resulting in guest that stay on your site longer(that’s a good thing)! Second, you’ll have an opportunity to advertise your brand to guests even after they’ve left your site. The obvious benefits of this include increased brand awareness and recognition — both of which are tremendously important to the success of a fledgling business.

Segment your visitors
While a single segment is great, just imagine the results of separating your visitors into smaller, more specific groups with similar advertising needs. For example, users who have already visited your site and signed up for your service don’t want to be asked to sign up again. This will make your company seem pushy and less caring, both of which are bad for business. Creating a separate pixel for your signup confirmation page can help you avoid that mistake and will keep your converted customers happy with your company. For them, try to pitch another service or promote an upgraded membership, which makes better use of your critical advertising budget.

Using calls to action
For your advertisements, calls to action are instructions for potential leads to follow in order to get them to your site, and they will provoke a more timely response.  ‘Click Here!” or “Call Now!” are a couple of examples we’ve all seen. They are most effective when combined with landing pages that give your guests more information on the topic they just clicked. By using landing pages, visitors avoid long, difficult to comprehend, pages, instead they see a compact explanation of your product or offer. That’s not the only benefit of landing pages; they also provide an easy way to segment visitors who arrive by advertisement, which allows you to identify the effectiveness of your advertising.

Quickly add trial users
Retargeting is a proven method for quickly adding trial users to your customer base. How can we be so sure it works? Our company used the retargeting model to acquire trial users quickly and to maximize our advertising budget. Getting web traffic is great, but without a way to increase your brand recognition and drive new users to your products, it is difficult to succeed. With retargeting, you’ll be able to get to 100 trial users much quicker than with traditional marketing methods.
Have you tried retargeting? Do you think that it might be a solution for you? I’d love to hear about your results, or your thoughts in the comments below.

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