Saturday 19 April 2014

Best Direction to Sleep well

Get Rid of Tension and Sleep Well with this Direction Suggested by Ayurveda 

Friends sage in India are bigger! Charak sage, sage Patanjali, a sage who has Shushud Sage Sage Bagvt 3000 years ago! He wrote a book entitled 135 years in the life of the human body to Ashtanga Hrdyam hundreds formula in that he had written them down, read a thread about you!
Bagvt writing is a place to live! Means that whenever you have to stay in bed in the morning or evening or at night in bed, always universally oriented! Has entered architectural architecture're here now! Vastu is science! They say it will definitely take care of it!
Do keep in mind???? They say it's always easy when you're asleep, your head in the direction of the sun! So either east or south! Whenever you head to rest in the East are the same! Feet always in the west, There is no compulsion then south on the other side! Housed in the south head north foot!
The formula is further north in the head by Bagvt ji never sleep! Then type in the formula is further north towards death, to sleep! North direction is very good for others to read and write the works is to practice! In the north it! But gold is Nishid way north!
They say the first formula! In response to head north up the body of the dead mean it! Deceased person speak first head north up the chant!'re Dayanand Saraswati, founder of Arya Samaj and live in our country! Values ​​which are in India! The sacrament is a sacrament of birth pregnancies Mrituy such a rite! Then he has written a book (Rite method)! In the first method in that same thread ceremony is dead! Please answer in the form of dead bodies start! 
Now this happened Bagvt G Dayanand G etc. logo!!
Understand what science is still in it!!
These Rajiv brother is my explaination!!
Today, through our mind, why is not she? Not only do without!
Kyun Kyun to do???
because it is quite clear! Modern science tells your body it is your earth between these two works, it's a force we call gravity (GRAVITATION force)!
On the other hand, they are pushing each other! This is a magnet for these two is the south side of a north! North and north to south or south and you have not Cipakege Jodoge he will push each other! But stick to the magnet's south and north each other!!
Now keep in mind, have further!
Now how the body works, so you know that the earth's north and south of the Earth's gravity for the most intense! Earth's north-south of the Earth that acts like a magnet for gravity! Now read carefully done your part of the body he answered his head! And that foot is the South!!Suppose you head north towards asleep by now! Now head north and the north of the earth to come in with the force of repulsion that science says it works!
force of repulsion repulsion force will mean! As you head north, you'll understand the repulsive force pushing force will work! 'Scutcheon in your body will contraction! Then came the Skucn blood flow in the body, blood pressure will be completely out of control! Why did the blood pressure of the body will also pressure! So if blood pressure was not so sleepy!Dharpr Dharpr in mind will go on forever! Heart rate will always be faster! Further north towards the north poll is called earth! The answer is the head of our body! If either side is a force of repulsion (repulsive force) sleep will not work!
Now turn your head upside down South in it as well! If your head is north north! And is kept in the south of the earth! The force of attraction will work! You might get a force! Kichav have agreed if one lives in your body if you are lying And the earth around your head to the south and is slightly larger, you will Kechega and body! Kichti such as rubber, right? elasticity! Will a little sledding! As soon as the body was slightly larger relaxation in the boby!
For instance, not all of a sudden you are stretching out! Pointed to the body, then what do you think??? Sounds great is why some elongation of the body came strung in the body and relax feel you are too!
Bagwt live in the south of the head shall have the force of attraction! The force of repulsion is scheduled to head north! force of repulsion pressure on the body! Kichav force of attraction has on the body! Kichav and pressure is opposite to each other! The pressure in the body will Skucn will spread a little bit of pressure in the body! Dispersion so you'll sleep happy! And if the pressure will not sleep!
The Bagvt law analysis is the best! The analysis in life to eliminate all mental diseases liqueur way! There is then the most peaceful sleep! This takes you right to sleep! Head in the east and in the south did not sleep!
What is pre now?????
prior research about Earth scientists say all that! The former is Nutrl! There is the force of attraction means neither more nor force of repulsion! And if you're holding balance each other! Soyege by the head in the east Nutrl you will also fall asleep easily!
So take care of these three universally! 
ever head north to do!
east or to the south in!
Just one last thing to take care of!
's the hermit saint or sage! Jihone not married etc! He always slept by the former in the head!And who suffers live in Asrm! Is bound in the bonds of marriage and family are gone! She slept through the South in the head!

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