Tuesday 15 April 2014

Home Remedies for Diabetes

10 Home Remedies for Diabetes


1. Fenugreek Remedies for Diabetes

Ways to use Fenugreek for Diabetes

• Take 4 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak them in 250 ml (1 cup) water overnight. Crush the seeds in the morning and strain to get the water. Have this water everyday in the morning for at least two months.
• Soak 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning chew the seeds and drink the water along with it. Do it on an empty stomach everyday for few months.
• Take 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds powder and add it to a glass of milk or warm water. Have it everyday.
• Take 100 g fenugreek seeds (6-7 tbsp) and 50 g turmeric powder (about 3 tbsp). You may add a little white pepper too with this mixture. Add 1 teaspoon of this powder mix to a glass of milk and have twice daily.
• You can also add fenugreek powder to your flour that you use to make breads or chapatis.

2. Amla Gooseberry Remedy for Diabetes

Ways to take Amla for Diabetes

• Take 2-3 gooseberries and discard their seeds. Now grind the amla to get a fine paste. Either using a fine cloth or a sieve, squeeze out the juice from this amla paste. You should get two tablespoons of amla juice. Mix these 2 tbsp of amla juice in a cup of water, mix well and have it every morning on an empty stomach.
• Take a cup of bitter gourd juice and 1 tablespoon of amla juice. Mix them well and have it daily for few months.
• When fresh amla is not available, the powder of amla fruit can be be taken mixed with water. Use 1- ½ tbsp of such powder in a glass of water.
• Take ½ tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp amla powder and ½ tbsp fenugreek seeds powder. Mix them in half a glass of water. Have this daily in the morning on an empty stomach.
• Include amla in your daily diet.
• You may also have raw amla.

3. Bitter Gourd Remedies for Diabetes

Ways to have Bitter Melon or Bitter Gourd for Diabetes

• Take 4-5 bitter gourds and peel them. Also remove the seeds. Crush the peeled and de-seeded bitter gourds to paste. Place this paste into a sieve and extract the juice. Drink this fresh bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach every morning. If you wish, add some water.
• Cook bitter gourd in ghee (clarified butter) and have this frequently. If possible, have it daily for at least three months.
• Include at least one dish made from bitter melon daily into your diet.
• Mix 1 tablespoon of amla juice with 1 cup of bitter gourd juice and have daily for few months.
• If you can’t find fresh bitter gourds, take a few pieces of dried bitter melon and boil them in a cup of water. Have this bitter gourd tea once or twice a day. This will be less bitter than the fresh juice of bitter guard.

4. Cinnamon Remedies for Diabetes

Ways to Use Cinnamon Powder for Diabetes

• take one liter of water and boil it. Once it starts boiling switch to simmering and simmer it for about 20 minutes. Add three teaspoons of cinnamon powder while you simmer the water. After 20 minutes, strain the liquid. Have this water daily.
• Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder in 1 cup of warm water. Drink this daily.
• You may also sprinkle cinnamon powder on your salads, dips or other dishes.
• Add cinnamon powder to your milk, coffee or tea.

5. Jamun Remedy for Diabetes

Ways to use Jamun for Diabetes

• Have 1- to 1- ½ tsp of jamun powder mixed with water every morning on an empty stomach.
• Jamun is a seasonal fruit. When available, have them raw daily.
• Chew the jamun leaves.

6. Curry Leaves Remedy for Diabetes

Ways to use Curry Leaves for Diabetes

• Chew 8-10 fresh curry leaves in the morning.
• Use curry leaves in your daily cooking. Add them to salads and dips and even in gravies, sauces and curries.

7. Aloe Vera remedy for Diabetes

Make Aloe Vera Herbal Mixture for Diabetes

Get this:
• Aloe vera gel- 1 tsp
• Bay leaves powder- 1 tsp
• Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
Do this:
• Add bay leaves powder and turmeric powder to aloe vera gel
• Mix well
• Have this mixture daily before lunch and dinner.
You can also mix 1-2 tsp of aloe vera juice with a glass of buttermilk and have it daily.

8. Mango Leaves Remedies for Diabetes

Ways to use Mango leaves for Diabetes

• Soak 10-15 mango leaves in a glass of water overnight. Filter this water in the morning and have it on an empty stomach. Have your breakfast after one hour.
• Dry the leaves of mango tree in shade. When they are completely dried, grind them to get powder. Store it in a container and have ½ tsp of this mango leaves powder daily before lunch and dinner.

9. Neem Margosa Leaves Remedy for Diabetes

Ways to take Neem leaves for Diabetes

• Take enough neem leaves to get 1 tablespoon of neem leaf juice. Crush the leaves and strain to get 1 tbsp of juice. Have this every morning on an empty stomach. Always take tender shoots of neem to use for diabetes remedies.
• Chew 8-10 tender neem leaves daily in the morning
• Mix 1-2 tsp of dried neem leaves powder in a glass of water and have this in the morning daily.

10. Diet Remedies for Diabetes

Here are some diet remedies that will help you manage your diabetes.
  1. Avoid refined flour. Instead use wholegrains in your diet. Use whole wheat breads, whole wheat pasta and brown rice in place of polished rice.
  2. Use low fat dairy products like skimmed milk, cheese, yogurt etc.
  3. Include garlic, onion, bitter gourd, spinach, raw banana, black plum in your diet.
  4. Mix 1 part of barley flour, 1 part black chickpea flour and 4 parts of whole-wheat flour. Use this mixed flour to make your pancakes and breads.
  5. Avoid sweets. Reduce intake of salt too.
  6. Avoid having high carbohydrate foods, potatoes, sweet potatoes, colocasia, yams, yogurt high in fat, oily and spicy foods.
  7. Avoid having sweet fruits like pineapple, grapes, mangoes, etc.
  8. Take ½ tsp ginger juice and ½ tsp garlic juice, mix with a little honey or jaggery and have this twice a day.
  9. Make a juice of carrot, pumpkin and pomegranate and have one to two glasses of this juice daily.
Along with home remedies for diabetes, you also need to be physically active. Exercise regularly even if brisk walking in morning and evening. Walk for at least 40 minutes in a day to manage your diabetes effectively.

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