Monday 23 June 2014

Meta Tags Sniper: How to Instantly Increase Your Non-Branded Organic Traffic

As entry level or seasonal SEO specialists already know title tags and meta description tags are the two most important places input your keywords so as to achieve higher rankings.
Title tags are very important because they have a direct impact to your website’s rankings; on the other hand meta description tags are equally important because while they don’t impact rankings directly, they can be leveraged effectively as a CTR (Click-Through-Rate) booster.
Well written meta description tags can considerably boost clicks to your website and thus indirectly boost your rankings (as a relevance factor).
So, by having these two guidelines in mind: That title tags affect rankings directly and meta description tags affect rankings indirectly, here is our plan of attack in order to increase non-branded organic traffic quickly in 3 simple steps:

Step 1. Identify non-branded keywords to target for increased traffic

Login to your favorite web analytics platform and find out non-branded keywords that you already got traffic from the last 3-6 months. This will be a good indication that probably you have already good rankings for most of these non-branded keyword terms.
From your entire keyword list, pick at least 10-15 non-branded keywords with a good amount of traffic (amount of traffic is subjective, it depends on your site overall traffic levels and how much time you have available to commit to this strategy if you want to follow it for non-branded keywords with very low traffic volume).

Step 2. Check rankings for your non-branded keywords

For each of these keywords you must go to Google/Bing and check your website’s rankings. In order to speed up the process you can use an SEO tool like Keyword Battle tool from Web SEO Analytics to find out current rankings for all of your keyword terms in conjunction with each “local” Google domain (e.g.,, etc.).

Step 3. Rewrite your title tags & meta description tags

The final step is to delete / ignore for now all the keyword phrases with top 20 or lower rankings and only focus to keyword terms with top10 rankings.
For each keyword term that has top 10 rankings you can now safely evaluate current title tag and meta description tag for your website’s respective page that ranks for this term and find out how to improve both meta tags.
The best and quickest way to achieve this, is by making sure that you have included your “target” keyword both to your title tag (if possible, begin your title tag with your target keyword term – it gives more weight towards rankings) and to your keyword description tag (Google bolds keywords phrases inside your meta description tag that match user keyword query).
Just make sure that by editing your title and description tag you are not destroying more important keyword terms that you rank for. In this case you can create a brand new page that will target your desired non-branded keyword term.
By utilizing this simple strategy you will quickly increase your rankings for non-branded keywords without any off-page optimization activity by only using your existing analytics stats, current rankings and quick meta tags rewrites.
In other words you just left Google work for you by telling you the keyword phrases and website’s pages you must focus your efforts for higher rankings!

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