Thursday 19 June 2014

Reaching Mobile Users via Social Media

Mobile traffic plays a prominent role in social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Foursquare…). With society changing rapidly and a move towards mobile technology due to ease of use and availability, social strategy requires incorporation of mobile emphasizing on brand participation in mobile social world sphere.
The golden rules to follow for a successful mobile social networking:
1. Make everything mobile
Optimize website for mobile devices avoiding a poor mobile experience. Social objects (photos, videos, coupons, infographics, articles etc.) through mobile will drive traffic to your website by people discovering your brand’s content throughout the day and with all types of mobile devices. A good mobile experience, no matter how they connect or what device they use, will enhance the circle of discovery, sharing, traffic and purchase. Make everything mobile so that your mobile strategy is coherent and finally efficient.
2. Optimize your content
Optimize your content for all types of mobile platform and sites for all your social channels:
Mobile Website
  • Do not bury social media share options using small icons that reader can click
  • Avoid directing them to a small target or a line of copy
  • Include share option via the email
  • Provide visitors with a little reminder to share the content if they like, at as much as possible pages

Mobile Facebook
  • Images are one of the most shared content on Facebook and in the mobile word where photos use up more relative space in the Facebook mobile news feed than on the desktop news feed, they are obviously significant to grab attention on your brand over other posts.
  • Mind to avoid your text being shortened and the appearance of “see more” link using not more than 160 characters
  • Ask targeted questions, following the previous rules, at the end or the beginning of post for gathering engaged fans.

Mobile Twitter
Short (140 characters is maximum but not obligatory to use) real-time information is the secret for mobile twitter audience, provided that it includes links, rich media and possibly a dynamic call to action apart a retweeting/sharing request.
3. Invest on a clean and consistent URL structure:
Share content with links across mobile, tablet and desktop platforms and make these links the avenue for an efficient social media marketing strategy avoiding the usage of “” proxy that disconnects the visitors deriving from desktop devices, providing a smooth experience.
4. Understand usage patterns
According to a recent study of share this, people browse and share content that includes more graphics, and they use relevant social media more on iPad while on iPhones people socialize or have activities like listening to music or reading news relying on Facebook more.
These usage patterns, referring to habits or activities of users while connected to mobile devices, are important for managing mobile social media strategy and people engagement on different mobile devices. These platforms have become the ultimate vehicles of self-expression and a mobile social strategy must take into account this by producing content that is sophisticated, while remaining personal.
 5. The power of Mobile advertising:
Mobile ads help you connect with people on-the-go. If you want to make an impact with rich-media display ads that engage audience on the mobile web and in applications, then mind to include them in your social strategy so that you increase mobile social networking efficiency.
According, in 2015, mobile advertising (on Facebook and Twitter) will account for 55.3% of ad revenue vs online advertising. Already, eMarketer expects that mobile will account for a majority of Facebook’s net US ad revenues in 2013. One of the main reasons is that ads appear into the news feed in mobile apps — effectively mixing ads with original news feed items encouraging people to click.
The success of social media strategy is attached to the palm of your hand and mobile social networks, built on the foundation of sharing and connecting, are the communities of the future.

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