Thursday 12 June 2014

Google Launching Payday Loan Algorithm 3.0 Targeting Spammy Queries This Week

Google’s head of web spam, Matt Cutts, announced at SMX Advanced tonight that the third version of PayDay Loan algorithm is launching this week, as soon as tomorrow.
This algorithm specifically targets “very spammy queries” and is unrelated to the Panda orPenguin algorithms.
Didn’t Google just update the PayDay Loan algorithm a couple weeks ago? Yes, version 2.0 was launched a couple weeks ago.
Matt Cutts explained that this goes after different signals. The 2.0 version targeted spammy sites, whereas version 3.0 targets spammy queries.
Again, this is launching as soon as tomorrow and will look specifically spammy queries, such as terms like [payday loans], [casinos], [viagra] and other forms of highly spammy queries.
Matt did not clarify exactly what he means by spammy sites versus spammy queries, we will try to get more concrete details on this soon.
Postscript: The PayDay Loan v 3.0 has launched on June 12, 2014.

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