Thursday 12 June 2014

Branded & Non Branded Keywords: The Whole Truth

A common situation that many site owners often confront: branded keywords visits (visits generated from a search engine which include your company name or product brand) account for the major percentage of search traffic in comparison to the rest terms – the unbranded ones.

What do they indicate?

Branded keywords are a good brand or product awareness indicator.
A positive change in number of visits originating from Google searchers that look for your brand or product name means probably an effective offline or online campaign. Non-branded keywords traffic is driven mainly by competent paid or non-paid search marketing.
By analyzing a website’s traffic, one can realize that in most cases, non-branded keywords are responsible for a significant percentage of new visitors while the branded keyword traffic mainly relates to returning visitors. Therefore, the assumption is that the value of non-branded keywords is more than important.

How to monitor them?

Keywords bringing traffic from search engines are listed in the traffic source section of the Google Analytics Tool. Site content defines the keywords users will use to arrive at a website and these keywords will finally appear at Analytics Tool.

How to ”exploit” them?

The main purpose of the set-up, tracking and evaluation of search marketing efforts is to transform users originating from a non-branded keywords search traffic to a loyal branded one by tracking traffic from branded and non branded and then investing on acquisition of traffic from non-branded terms utilizing Google Analytics Data while contemplating different periods.

What about the competition?

Non branded-traffic is more competitive in comparison to the branded one and as a consequence converting branded referrers at the expense of competition is a valuable tactic. A branded referrer is less likely to be a new customer while attracting a non-branded user and converting him is found to be more worthy and thus should be the objective of your SEO Strategy.

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